Here at A Tool For Every Job we strive to give you the most useful comparison data of all of the best Tools on the market, and in order to do that, we spend time thinking about the factors we use to compare each product.
Below, we outline each factor we use to compare products and detail why the criteria should be of interest to you when you're in the market for a tool.
To make it easier for you to get the information you need, there are links that will take you to the description of each comparison factor below this text. There is also a full list of all of the product comparisons at the bottom of this page. You can get directly to the list by clicking the "Full Comparison List" link below.
Now that you've read all about the factors that we use to compare Tools, you might be itching to see some of our comparisons.
There are over one hundred comparison articles on this site, so rather than give you a long list of all the comparisons, we've split them out by the product name.
If you click on one of the product names below, you should be taken directly to a list of all the comparison articles for that machine.